EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT + I am taking a break!


This week, it is a very special short episode where I tell you about something exciting!!

Also, you can find the vocabulary and comprehension quiz under the transcription!

(Česky: Najdete seznam slovíček a krátký kvíz porozumění pod přepisem)

Link for the episode:


Hello and welcome to my podcast My Life and Other Funny Stories. My name is Dagmar Tomášková, I am an English tutor and coach and I created this podcast for English students who want to get better in their oral comprehension. You can find the transcription of this episode in the notes of the podcast.

Today it is not really an episode, it is more of an informational meeting. So hello and welcome to my meeting, I am glad you came! As with every informational meeting, I also have a presentation prepared, so if you want to see it, click the link in the description. It is really good.

I am so excited because today, I get to tell you what I have been working on for the past few weeks.

Now, it is the 28th week in a row where I publish a podcast every Friday. Maybe some of you may imagine that it is a lot of work.

…I came to a point where I felt that I was pushing myself a little too much and I started to feel that I needed a break.

However, then I got an idea. An idea that I couldn't just let go of. An idea, that got me so excited that instead of a break, I started working twice as hard. And now I am going to tell you all about it!

Drumroll, please! — —- — – – – - - I came up with an idea for an advent edition of my podcast!

What is it? Let me explain.

I am going to publish one short episode a day, every day in December until Christmas! That is 24 episodes! They will be like small chocolates you would get from an advent calendar. Every episode will be just a few minutes long, maybe two, maybe three or four. But nothing that you couldn't get to every day! You will be also able to find transcriptions of all episodes and you will always find it in an interactive advantage calendar, just like a little chocolate.

What will the episodes be about? Good question, thanks for asking! They will be always Christmas-themed and discuss some area of culture or some interesting facts that you probably haven't thought about before!

If you get on my email list, not only do you get to know about the episodes first but you also receive one highlighted expression from the episode and one vocabulary word. On top of that, every other day you will get a Christmas card with English puns and illustrations that I have made myself. You can print them out and send them to your friends and family or just laugh about the joke.

Honestly, you have nothing to lose, only to win. I have been working on it now for weeks and I am excited for you to see and hear it.

But for real, it is a lot of work, so I need a break. There will be no new episodes in November but get ready for December!

If you want to stay in touch, follow me on my Instagram where I am as @dagmar_tomaskova.

See you very soon!

Bye bye!

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